Friday, February 13, 2009

Ode to the Followers

I see a common theme in photos of furlough food followers.
A wave, a dog, a child, two doggies and a cat,
All following a human food blog, imagine that.

To the followers I say, thanks for your support!
You've left messages and emails and warm friendly smiles,
I never would have guessed you'd follow all the while.

A few more meals to post:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday a roast
To work I go on Monday morn, I am happy and excited
so please don't look forlorn.

My furlough, it's come to an end
but there is another 'right round the bend.
And furlough food will have posts galore
kept alive by two or three good friends.

They'll post and post...and post and post
if I know them at all
they'll post treats and meals
funny dog tails

But it is all of you I toast:

Thank you for reading and enjoying my ventures
It has been a fun, exciting and rewarding endeavor.
Through these times we will continue the pleasure
Of making it through many challenges together.

Make muffins, make muffins I say, and make the most of your day no matter what comes your way.


  1. Just be careful how big you make your muffins. Thanks for your positive attitude Cindy and all the positively delicious meals and treats. You're the best.


    When walloped by a giant muffin
    That could have knocked out all your stuffin
    You didn't wail and take to bed
    You made this nifty blog instead.

    Congratulations to the clever
    Creator of this fine endeavor.
    Kitchen tools and meals that sing
    Cookies, comments, photos bring

    Smiles and drools and upbeat thoughts...
    So, thanks for sharing. Thank you lots.
    I've got to go now, got to run.
    The timer dinged---those cookies are done.
